Everyone is born with the urge to create. It is part of the passion for life. To cultivate this urge is a sacred obligation. In Learning by Heart: Teachings To Free the Creative Spirit Corita Kent and Jan Steward offer strategies, projects, exercises, and ideas on how to nurture creativity in a world of wonders.

Corita Kent taught in the art department of Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles. Her lively and original silk screen prints reflect her belief that "one purpose of art is to alert people to things they may have missed." Her students, including Jan Steward, were activated by this challenge. They created photographs, drawings, paintings, and folk fabrications which grew out of their long looking at everyday objects.

This beautifully designed paperback, illustrated with more than 300 photographs and drawings, contains some of Corita's inspirational lectures on art, imagination, paying attention, tools and techniques, and celebration. It offers ample suggestions on how to sharpen your senses as well as ideas on making the most of objects which can be transformed by your creative touch.

One of Corita Kent's designs was a composition based on the titles of three magazines — "LOOK at LIFE all the TIME." Once you have savored Learning by Heart, you'll agree that LOOKNG at LIFE all the TIME is the best way to cultivate the spiritual vitality of creativity.