Taizé Community is an order based in Burgundy, France, with more than 100 brothers who come from Catholic and Protestant backgrounds in 30 different nations. It is a place of retreat and a popular pilgrimage destination. Taizé attracts more than 100,000 people a year who are seeking a place for prayer, study, communal work, and to make beautiful music together.

The release of Music of Unity and Peace marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of this world renowned Christian community. The 19 songs were recorded in Burgundy with guest artists and choruses comprised of young pilgrims. The repetitive melodies along with the soothing quality of the chants, ballads, hymns, and sacred songs makes this album very special.

Among our favorite selections are:

  • "Veni, Sancte Spiritus"
  • "Bless the Lord"
  • "Laudate Dominum"
  • "Jubilate, coeli"
  • "Beati voi poveri"
  • "Bleibet hier"
  • "Surrexit Christus tuas, Pater"
  • "Let All Who Are Thirsty Come"