
See yourself as a source of happiness for others. You can't "make" them happy but you can certainly affect their quality of life through your own good humor and goodwill.

— Stephanie Dowrick, Choosing Happiness: Life and Soul Essentials

Artistic Wisdom

Life is an art, not a science.
You make it up as you go along.
— Al Hirschfeld, American caricaturist

Buddhist Wisdom

Surrender means wisely accommodating ourselves to what is beyond our control.
— Sylvia Boorstein in That's Funny, You Don't Look Buddhist

Native American Wisdom

We were contented to let things remain as the Great Spirit Chief made them.
— Chief Joseph, Nez Perce leader

Movie Lines

"Shall I tell you what I find beautiful about you?" Starman asks a sympathetic SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) worker. "You are at your very best when things are worst."
— Starman, an extraterrestrial visitor, in the movie Starman


Be humble, for you are made of earth.
Be noble, for you are made of stars.
— Serbian Proverb


Blessed be the people we carry in our blood. Blessed be the places we carry in our bones. May our living make a way for those who come after: a path of blessing, a path of beauty.
— Jan L. Richardson in In the Sanctuary of Women

The Webb Sisters sing Leonard Cohen's "If It Be Your Will" (quoted above).

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