
O God, help me to believe in the beginnings
and in my beginnings again,
no matter how often I've failed before.
—Ted Loder in Guerrillas of Grace

Spiritual Wisdom

Every day is my best day: this day is my life. I'm not going to have this moment again.
— Bernie Siegel in Love: The Work of the Soul edited by Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield


If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.
— Chinese proverb


[To repeat] when coming down the steps: May I go down again to take beings from suffering.
— Matthieu Ricard, Buddhist monk and translator

Jewish Wisdom

You were born to receive the light of God and to become the vehicle through which miracles can happen. The more light you allow to flow through you, the more wondrous your reality is.
— Sharon Labowitz in Miraculous Living

Quaker Wisdom

No punishment could be worse than the one we inflict on ourselves by living a divided life.
— Parker Palmer in Soul of a Citizen by Paul Rogat Loeb


May truth and justice
guide our acts
and compassion
temper our lives.
— Marcia Falk in The Book of Blessings

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