Catholic Wisdom

Praying is our daily appointment with wisdom.
— Thomas Merton quoted in Hanging Onto Hope by Melanie Svoboda

Movie Lines

God is happiest when he sees his children at play.
— Bagger Vance, a golfer in The Legend of Bagger Vance

Indigenous Wisdom

Primitive people sought answers in myth and ritual; they danced out their faith before they thought it out.
— Huston Smith in The Great Religions of the World


Better bend than break.
— Scottish Proverb

Jewish Wisdom

Every day is an entirely new creation. Take as much as you can from what each new day has to offer.
— Rebbe Nachman of Breslav in The Empty Chair

Buddhist Wisdom

A student asked Dingo Khyenste Rinpoche, "Why do we practice?" He replied, "To make the best of a bad situation."
— Ken McLeod in Wake Up to Your Life

Protestant Wisdom

The road to enlightenment is long and difficult, and you should try not to forget snacks and magazines.
— Anne Lamott's friend Rick's phone message, quoted in Traveling Mercies

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