"If I could make a suggestion to those whose mothers are still living, it would be this: Tonight, when you return from school or work, or the next time you visit your mother, go into her room calmly, silently, with a smile, and sit down beside her. Without saying anything, make her stop working and look at her for a long time. Look at her well in order to see her well, in order to realize she is there, alive, sitting beside you. Then take her hand and ask her this short question, 'Mother, do you know something?' She will be a little surprised and will ask you, smiling, 'What, dear?' Continuing to look into her eyes with a serene smile, tell her, 'Do you know that I love you?' Ask her without waiting for an answer. Even if you are thirty, forty years old or older, ask her simply because you are the child of your mother. Your mother and you will both be happy, conscious of living in eternal love. And tomorrow when she leaves you, you will not have any regrets."