"Love and spirituality are very much connected with motivation and change. People in modern organizations sometimes struggle to think how to 'motivate' their people — as if motivation is some sort of force you apply to a person. In fact, everything that truly motivates people — whether to perform better, to be more dependable and committed, to take initiative, to be courageous, to do the right thing, to adapt to change — is included within love and spirituality. Love helps people believe in themselves and feel valued, and liberates them to have this same effect on others. This builds confidence and trust. Spirituality enables people to connect with each other and with the things that truly matter in the world and their lives. This gives people meaning and purpose and relevance, which is at the heart of true motivation.

"In terms of corporate initiatives, love and spirituality are about as natural as you can get. These needs and tendencies are basic human nature, and they are in all of us. So when you decide to bring a bit more love and spirituality into your work, you will be pushing on an open door. It is possible to create a very workable, practical methodology to bring love and spirituality into your work, your team, your department, or a whole organization, right now if you want to. There are good people out there to help you bring a more spiritual ethos into your organization, and the great thing is that these people are loving and caring, too — they practice what they preach.

"At the root of any successful change, you will find not only love, but trust, since they go hand in hand. Love and trust, in turn, create the freedom to make the right decisions, to connect with others, to challenge, and to innovate. We tend to think that organizations run on rationale and details, but organizations really run on power. But not just any kind of power. Pure power comes from sustainable passion. And passion that is sustainable comes from purpose. Take a careful look at the most successful companies around the world. They all have a strong sense of purpose and are organizational champions of change driving that purpose. As companies that have a 'heart at work,' they value and encourage love and spirituality. The compassion and trust among their people leverages diversity and harmony. And that, in anyone's book, makes good business sense."