"Our culture continually tells us that boredom should be avoided and that entertainment should be sought out. However, no one ever explains why this is so. What is it about boredom that makes it painful? Why is it so compelling that we can't get in the car without switching on the radio, wait for an appointment without reading a magazine, or spend a tranquil evening at home without watching television or a movie? Why do we need to check our e-mail so frequently, continually text our friends, or waste so much time on Facebook? The basic question is, why can't we relax when we have nothing to do and enjoy a little bit of space in our lives?

"The problem is that we are afraid of our own hearts. There are many, many things we haven't wanted to look at. The heart is so sensitive, so ready to resonate with the world, that we keep it covered, fearing we won't be able to stand being touched. It might be too intense. We might be overwhelmed. We can't afford to open up, because who knows what we might feel. It seems safer to armor the heart, even if that shields us from the vitality of life.

"Boredom is a sign that your heart is about to be exposed. When you have nothing to do, whatever accumulated agitation, restlessness, or existential anxiety you might have begins to surface. You become aware of feelings that are normally submerged. Boredom is the forerunner of this distress and a signal that you should seek some diversion to hold your heart at bay.

"In fact, you don't need to shield yourself. It is good to expose your heart. By exposing your heart, you begin to make friends with yourself on a deep level, and this will break the cycle of discontent and compulsion. When boredom arises, don't run away. Simply acknowledge the feelings and rest with whatever they are.

"Exposing your heart is also exposing yourself to the richness of the world. The more you open your heart, the wider your eyes will open and the more you will see. With an open heart, you will appreciate more, and this will give you more to share through your photographs."