"To make light is also to cast a shadow. They come from the same source, and they are inseparable.

"The Shadow is everything we long to be, but don't dare. It is everything we don't know about ourselves. It is everything in ourselves that we are afraid of.

"It is a problem to keep part of our humanity in the Shadow, hidden even from ourselves — because the subconscious always wins.

"Our repression of the broken, the wounded, the unwanted leads to a refusal of the beauty of life itself, in all of its glorious and terrible wholeness.

"We need rituals that acknowledge the brokenness, that allow us to forgive, that incorporate the fear and anger so that we can let in the love.

"Too often we let our heroes carry our goodness for us, thereby taking ourselves off the hook.

"The stranger we fear is the stranger in ourselves that we must greet, if we are to be whole.

"Study those who 'hook' us most easily — they are the very ones who touch a sensitive place within, where some personal work is unfinished."