"In compassion
justice and peace kiss.
We have to run into peace,
we do not begin in peace.
What is born of God
seeks peace
and runs into peace.
The person who runs and runs,
continually running toward peace,
is a heavenly person.
Even the heavens
are continually running
and in their running
are seeking peace."

"The fullest work
that God ever worked
in any creature
is compassion.
The most secret and forbidden work
that God ever worked on the angels
was carrying them into compassion.
This is the work of compassion
as it is in itself
and as it is in God.
Whatever God does,
the first outburst is always compassion.
I do not mean that God forgives a person his sins
or that a person takes pity on another.
I mean much more.
I mean that the highest work that God ever works is