
"When was the moment I fell in love with you,
nurturing and elegant mother?

"Was it when fresh dew danced on the cheeks of ripened cherries,
or when the silent sentinel of Mt. Fuji smiled long at me?

"Was it when I stooped down to admire little faces of pansies,
or when the perfume of lavender lilacs sailed into my soul?

"Was it when I tasted the tomatoes from the vegetable garden,
or swallowed black raspberries from the wilderness bush?

"Was it when I drank freely from an unpolluted stream,
or when I canoed across the clear water of Lake Caribou?

"Was it when I swam with dolphins in the Atlantic's waves,
or when I listened to the steady laughter of a bubbling creek?

"Was it when I looked in awe at the rainbow in Kauai's cleft,
or when I sat under the scrub oak listening to mountain rain?

"Was it when I felt the first snowflake melt upon my eyelashes,
or when I walked aimlessly amid the musty autumn leaves?

"Was it when I planted daffodil bulbs and pressed them in black soil,
or when I touched the smoothness of an ancient stone?

"O Gaia, each experience has drawn me to you,
one and all have anchored me in your beauty.

"All of my days, replete with your bounty.

"All of my life, a savoring of your elegance.

"All of my nurturing, suckled from your sources.

"All of my love, astounded at your goodness.

"All of my journey, one great moment of unity."