The Six Habits of Highly Empathic People

"Habit 1: Switch on your empathic brain
Shifting our mental frameworks to recognise that empathy is at the core of human nature, and that it can be expanded throughout our lives.

"Habit 2: Make the imaginative leap
Making a conscious effort to step into other people's shoes — including our 'enemies' — to acknowledge their humanity, individuality and perspectives.

"Habit 3: Seek experiential adventures
Exploring lives and cultures that contrast with our own through direct immersion, empathic journeying, and social cooperation.

"Habit 4: Practice the craft of conversation
Fostering curiosity about strangers and radical listening, and taking off our emotional masks.

"Habit 5: Travel in your armchair
Transporting ourselves into other people's minds with the help of art, literature, film and online social networks.

"Habit 6: Inspire a revolution
Generating empathy on a mass scale to create social change, and extending our empathy skills to embrace the natural world."