"The term 'Still Quiet Place' encompasses many dimensions of mindfulness. Physically, it is the actual sensation of stillness and quietness, the brief pauses between the in-breath and the out-breath and between the out-breath and the in-breath. To connect with the Still Quiet Place, take a moment right here, right now, and simply feel the natural rhythm of your breath. Without slowing or holding your breath, see if you can feel the Still Quiet Place between the in-breath and the out-breath, and again between the out-breath and the in-breath.

"As children and adolescents practice attending to the breath and resting in the brief pauses between breaths, they experience a natural, reliable stillness and quietness within themselves. Over time, they discover that this stillness and quietness is always alive inside of them — when they are breathing in, when the breath is still; when they are breathing out, when the breath is still; when they are doing homework, singing, arguing .... With practice they can learn to rest in this stillness and quietness, and to bring an attitude of kindness and curiosity to their thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, impulses, and actions, as well as to the cues they receive from those they interact with. Ultimately, these observations of their internal and external worlds equip young people to make healthier, wiser, more compassionate choices, especially when they encounter typical daily challenges — such as a bully on the playground, a difficult math problem, or the temptation to engage in risky behavior."

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