"In The Cure for Sorrow, writer and ordained minister Jan Richardson offers blessings for those who are grieving. Page after page holds love-filled blessings to comfort the hurting hearts of those who feel broken, those who seek both solace and hope. She explains,

" 'A good blessing possesses something of what Celtic folk have long called a thin place, a space where the veil between worlds becomes permeable, and heaven and earth meet. . . . A thin place enables us to open our eyes and hearts to the presence of God that goes with us always. A blessing invites us to this same opening, that we might recognize and receive the help of the One who created us in love and encompasses us when we are at our most broken.'

"Richardson's words inspire the understanding that blessings come into our life in many forms, through many openings. When blessings appear, they remind us that love is present in our grief and will sustain us as we heal. "Alan Wolfelt calls these blessings 'Wisdom teachings,' and says that they are there to help us. They are the reminders that love is still in our life, and love will guide us through this time of change. Grief is a mystery. Perhaps our best response is to surrender to that mystery and let love's blessings open our mind and touch our heart."