A First Spiritual Practice of Finding:
Bless a Living Thing and Discover Its Essence

"It is thrilling when we bless a flower or a bird or an animal, and by doing so we notice its unique characteristics, behavior, and beauty. When we practice blessing, we comprehend our connectedness and kinship to that living thing. The next time you take a walk, see what you behold and scatter some blessings."

A Second Spiritual Practice of Finding:
Bless Your Calendar

"You can choose to do this daily, weekly, or monthly in your datebook or on your phone. Observe how blessing — making holy — your calendar or your daily schedule affects the tenor of your activities, meetings, and commitments."

A Third Spiritual Practice of Finding:
Bless Your Obstacles

"When we bless our obstacles, we find the holy in unexpected places. Author Christina Baldwin says, 'When you hit an obstacle, write out everything good it is offering you. Bless it. Love it. Send it light.' Take a moment to think about this, because it's a counter-intuitive approach. What good things are your obstacles offering you right now?"

A Fourth Spiritual Practice of Finding:
Bless Your Mortality

"Mortality might be considered a paradoxical blessing limiting and expansive at the same time. Emily Dickinson wrote, 'That it will never come again / is what makes life so sweet.' There is usually a moment of reckoning in late middle age when we comprehend that there are more years behind us than out in front of us. Wherever you are in life, bless your mortality and cherish your remaining years."

Questions to Ponder

"Accept the blessing of your belovedness

  • How have you experienced belovedness in your life? How has this empowered you?
  • What does thinking of yourself as being God's beloved allow? How might you begin to embrace this as your core identity?
  • How have you sabotaged or rejected your belovedness?
  • What does your heart feel like when you are asked to bless an enemy? How can your heart be softened?"

"Suspend judgment and look for the blessing

  • Where have you unearthed blessing and found the holy during your life? Where are you finding it right now?
  • Who or what is difficult for you to bless? Can you bring this to your prayer?
  • What blessing has arisen out of adversity?"

"Bless the limitations -- even your own

  • During your life so far, what have been your limitations? What have you learned from them? How does it feel to bless them?
  • How does it feel to bless others' limitations?
  • How might you grow from blessing your mistakes and your sins? How might God be extending an invitation here?"

"Turn blessing into a daily practice

  • What daily practice of blessing might be most helpful to you?
  • How could you bless the beginning or end of your days?
  • How could you bless your food when you eat?
  • How could you truly bless yourself?"