“As you develop your energy awareness, you’ll likely pinpoint one or two parts of the day — Sunrise, Daylight, Sunset, or Moonlight — that could use extra focus. This Define Your Energy quiz will also guide you, by narrowing down the portion of your day that might benefit most from an energetic shift. Start with small changes, and I know you’ll feel the momentum build. Look beyond the limitations of the routine you’re in, and open yourself to something unfamiliar — from repainting a room to changing your career, to spending time visualizing yourself in perfect health. You’ll know what you’re ready for.

“Check the circles that are a firm yes for you. Leave everything else blank.


___ My morning thoughts set a positive tone for my day.
___ I take time to move my body as a form of waking up.
___ I set intentions for my day based on my energy, desires, and long-term goals.
___ I have daily opportunities to connect with the sun or morning light.
___ After dressing and grooming, I leave the house feeling lit up.
Total Checked _____


___ I feel energized by what I do each day.
___ When I need to, I can focus on one task without interruption until it’s complete.
___ I make time to connect in a meaningful way with colleagues, friends, or family during my day.
___ When I take on a project, my ideas and actions seem to flow.
___ Even when I’m busy, I set aside moments to check in with my body and breathing during the day.
Total Checked _____


___ I regularly make time for fun, playful activities.
___ My home environment makes me feel great when I’m there.
___ I bring nature inside my home with natural objects, fresh air, green plants, and ample sunlight.
___ I listen to or make music that fills me with bright energy.
___ I take time to care for myself and others in ways that bring me joy.
Total Checked _____


___ Before bed, I let go of unwanted energy that I’ve accumulated during the day.
___ I have a spiritual practice that adds meaning to my life.
___ I aim to live to my highest good, for myself and for others.
___ I disconnect and put my devices away well before bedtime.
___ I fall asleep easily and rest soundly through the night.
Total Checked _____”