Human beings have always had the urge to fly. We see evidence of it in the myths of Greek culture, the fascination of primal people with the flight of birds, and the earnest efforts of many inventors to soar in the sky with homemade wings and their own power. In this playful children's picture book written and illustrated by Steve Light, Zephyr is a little girl who loves airplanes; she draws pictures of them, makes them out of paper, and builds them out of junk. She even simulates doing a triple loop-de-loop jump off the couch. Sent to her bedroom to calm down, she finds a secret passage way to a magical place where she is able to fly in a plane.

When we are happy and brimming over with the joy, it is the perfect time to give pleasure to someone else. That is exactly what Zephyr does. You will find your spirits lifted by this rousing tale of the fire power of passion, imagination, and joy all blended together. Zephyr Takes Flight is designed for children ages 4 and up.