Mantak Chia, founder of the Universal Healing Tao System in 1979, is the author of 46 books. His co-writer on this explanation of Inner Alchemy Astrology is Christine Harkins-Giles, a Tao instructor, feng shui consultant, and astrologer.

According to Taoism, each one of us is a separate brew mixing heavenly and earthly energies. We can investigate this chi by using the year, month, day, and time of our birth. Each of us is ruled by one of the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water). These have great influence on our personalities, relationships, career paths, and emotional and health issues. Chia and Harkins-Giles explain the different aspects of Inner Alchemy Astrolology which ranges freely into areas such as balancing your elements, calculating your organ health, assessing your luck cycles, and working with feng shui and color therapy.