"The Lord it seems loves to play and His lila is the endless variety of ever-changing creation," notes Paramahansa Yogananda in this anthology of 40 talks and essays by the yoga master (1893-1952) who lived and taught in the West for 30 years. This Indian-born spiritual teacher wrote the bestselling Autobiography of a Yoga in 1946 and also penned interpretations of the Bhagavad Gita and the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.

For Yogananda life was meant for God-realization. On these pages, his talks and essays lift up and accentuate the importance of intuition (inner will), evenmindedness (the right foundation for existing), deep thinking (a corridor to God), the world family (your greater self), and silence (an altar of God). This spiritual teacher demonstrates the value of devotion, righteous action, and wisdom as paths to God. He celebrates friendship as "the purest form of God's love because it is born from the heart's free choice and is not imposed upon us by familial instinct." Yogananda also has some insightful commentary on Gandhi's non-violence, Christ consciousness, reincarnation, karma, and the fountain of youth within our souls.