Through the ages, men and women have gone on pilgrimages out of devotion and in search of healing. Today's seeker often heads out on the road looking for adventure, new options, and renewal. In On Pilgrimage Douglas C. Vest, an Episcopal priest and oblate in a California Benedictine abbey, shares his experiences and ideas on transforming journeys. "I believe that an important mark of pilgrimage is its quest for something that is revered and sacred, whether it is Canterbury or the grave of a deceased movie star."

Vest assesses his journeys to Iona, Rievaulx Abbey in England, St. Deiniol's Library in Wales, and his boyhood home. He explains the eight essential elements of pilgrimage and follows that up with chapters on group or solitary travel and a checklist for those planning this type of sacred journey. It is a tradition in India that when you are 50 you go on a pilgrimage. This resource provides helpful advice for baby-boomers in the Christian tradition who are contemplating such an adventure.