In the first part of this paperback, Ray Silverman describes Helen Keller as the world-renowned champion for blind and deaf people, a noble crusader for human rights, and a gifted writer who inspired those with limitations to rise above them. Keller became acquainted with the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg (1668 - 772) through John Hitz, whom she called the foster-father of her soul. They both were enthralled by the writings of the Swedish thinker who espoused the creation of a "new Church" that emphasized listening to the inward voice. Keller wrote:

"Swedenborg's message has meant so much to me! It has given color and reality and unity to my thought of the life to come; it has exalted my ideas of love, truth and usefulness; it has been my strongest incitement to overcome limitation."

She also credits him with a richer interpretation of the Bible, a deeper understanding of the meaning of Christianity, and a keener sense of the divine presence in the world. Keller sees Swedenborg as a prophet sent by God to teach humanity about the paramount importance of love. This glimpse into Helen Keller's spirituality is fascinating and shows what an adventuresome person she was!