According to the bestselling angel author Terry Lynn Taylor and Mary Beth Crain, a Los Angeles journalist, optimysticism is a wholistic and fulfilling way of living that enables us to gain access to the ten basic keys to happiness: 1. hope, 2. humor, 3. dreams, 4. an appreciation of mystery, 5. occasional quiet time and space, 6. gratitude, 7. adaptability, 8. expectation, 9. a light heart, and 10. trust. They suggest that those who blend optimism and mysticism are open to new possibilities and spiritual experiences in everyday life.

With great élan, Taylor and Crain take us on a tour of the transformations and revisions of our world that grow out of optimysticism. We are advised to sit down, shut up, and open up; we are exposed to the mythology surrounding the illusion of security; we are challenged to make the imaginative shift; we are assured that time is on our side; we are advised to see perfection as an affront to God; we are told to welcome the glad games in our life; and we are counseled to get out and love some more. We were especially impressed with Taylor and Crain's Twenty-One Days and Ways to an Imagination Shift, their Other Subjects for Lab Experiments, Basic Training in Tragedy Management, and Ten Ways to Pollute the Spiritual Environment.