The nature lover John Muir once observed: "When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." Everything is connected in this world of interdependence. After Isabella plants her garden, the clouds "cry the rain that soaks the seeds that sleep in the soil." Her band of friends in bright colored clothes then watch the "flowers that waltz with wind." A favorite tree, several birds, and a praying mantis are other witnesses to the miracle of life flourishing in Isabella's lovely garden. Then before you know it, the seasons change.

Both the words of Glenda Millard and the illustrations by Rebecca Cool in Isabella's Garden are top-of-the-line, making this the perfect children's (ages 2 and up) book for the springtime season. We see that the children's wonder is fed by the interaction and interdependence of sun, clouds, rain, trees, and birds.