"The book of Job, a theological and spiritual masterpiece as well as a classic of world literature, is a poetical expression of the human effort to understand why we suffer," writes Donald Kraus, executive editor for Bibles at Oxford University Press. He is the man behind the translation and annotation of this volume in the ongoing SkyLight Illuminations series on sacred texts.

For centuries scholars and ordinary people have struggled with the pain, the suffering, and the confusion of Job as he is besieged by one bad thing after another. As we ponder the ultimate questions in this Biblical story, we are swept into the narrative with our own queries about God's goodness, the meaning of unfairness, and the value we give to suffering.

It is also edifying to revisit the counsel given to Job by his advisors. Kraus has divided this paperback into sections:

Job's Curse
The Three Dialogue Cycles
Job's Final Speeches
The Elihu Explosion
The Answer of God from the Storm
Job's Final Reply