Trained in religious studies and metaphysics, Sonia Choquette is a spiritual counselor who has been in private practice for more than thirty years. She is a seasoned and popular lecturer and workshop leader. In this nifty little book, Choquette claims that joy is a landmark of an intuitive life.

Trusting the heart is much more beneficial than tuning our being to the fads, fancies, and delusions of the world of outside appearances and opinions. It is very hard to be joyful if we are tangled up in the deluge of information and energy that surrounds us every day. Choquette suggests we bless our homes, use aromatherapy, and try to create a milieu of peace and quiet.

The author also recommends setting boundaries so that we will not be so vulnerable to the ploys of those who drain us of our creative energies. She hits the mark with the following:

"The most direct way to access your intuition and find joy is to use your imagination. Imagination is the front door of your intuition. Imagination creates the world! It is not only the source of your intuitive ability but also the source of all your ability."

Plug in this power source and your life will become a joy-filled adventure!