"Small change is a better way to a better you. Our method of self-improvement advocates a soft touch. It doesn't require tremendous self-discipline or radical changes and thus offers you a more pleasant journey of self-improvement. Its perspective offers greater self-acceptance, the promise of sustained success, and the motivation to be both realistic and optimistic about change. The slow but steady tortoise enjoyed the journey, along with the satisfaction of winning the race.

"Small changes provide multiple benefits. Making small changes can be fun. Small changes can provide a sense of accomplishment for people who think they lack willpower. Small changes foster self-acceptance for people who criticize themselves for failing to make big changes. Small changes make it possible to modify a pleasurable habit rather than give it up all together. And for those who see life as a series of lessons and opportunities — not as a series of mistakes and inadequacies — small changes are a great way to put this philosophy into practice.

"Aiming for big changes that are difficult to accomplish often results in no change at all. Worse, you may be left with a sense of failure and inadequacy that can be painful and unwarranted. A small change is always better than no change at all. Modest success is always better than failure and pain. By acquiring the habit of making small changes, you can build those moderate successes into dramatic results — because small changes will add up."