"The people out there are hungering for food that nourishes the soul and thirsting for a religion or philosophy that will offer meaning for their lives. They want to make the connections between their faith in God and every aspect of their existence. They see the quality of life on this planet declining; they see corruption at the top of corporate and political empires; they see their children wandering without direction or hope in the future. So they search for spiritualities that will assuage their anxieties and fuel their quests. People are starving for authentic spiritual food that feeds the soul and deeply nourishes the spirit, food enough for all our brothers and sisters on this planet in all its tastes and colors and multiplicity.

"We seek to find where the spirit of God is lively right now, giving life and creating life, and we are ready to join the action. We seek to make common cause with other searchers to find the holy in our midst and to dare a better world, more reflective of what surely the Holy God of the universe intends for all God's beloved creatures. To seek and find God in a myriad of ways every day of our lives, we do not need the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral. We do not need the vision quest in New Mexico to experience and follow God in our lives. We are more likely to feel our loving God reaching out to us in an encouraging smile of a loved one, in the hug of a child returning home, in the kindness shown by complete strangers, in a red sunset lighting up the western sky, and in the still of the descending night. Artists show us how to penetrate reality and open the doors to perception, while poets tell us the truth about ourselves and our world. Compassionate workers and ethical politicians, caretakers of children, our friends and those who live God's hospitality of hearth and home and heart all remind us that we seek God who is present among us in our neighbors and in our efforts to build up our communities. Living a spirituality of everyday life in today's world means being anchored in the religion of our tradition whatever that may be, yet also seeking strength and insights from religions very different from our own. It means living life intensely, passionately, with our eyes wide open to the pain and division in our world — yet hopefully, joyfully, and lovingly. . . . A spirituality of everyday life is everything we do, all day long, that builds up the commonwealth of God. Your daily life is your temple. Together let us open its doors and uncover an authentic spirituality that recognizes all of life as holy. It is already there, just waiting for us to behold and to grasp."