God's To-Do List

"God has a To-Do List for you.
'For me?'
Yes. For you.
You are God's partner.
God needs you to continue the ongoing creation of the world.
'What? Who? Me? I am God's partner?'
Yes. You are.
Because you are made in the image of God.
It says so, right at the beginning of the Bible:

"And God made human beings in the image of God, male and female, God created them.
— Genesis 1:27

" 'Wait a minute. What does it mean to be "made" in the "image" of God?'
It means that the spark of divinity is within you.
And that God brought you into this world for a purpose.
The ultimate purpose.
This is it:
Your purpose is to do God's work.
The question has been asked:
What on earth are you here for?
The answer:
To do the tasks that God has for you.
Some faith traditions call this repairing the world.
Some call it bringing God's Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.
'Whoa! That's Mother Teresa stuff! I'm no saint. It's not within my power to solve the big problems of the world.'
Maybe not. But. . .
You can call someone who is lonely.
You can visit a friend who is sick.
You can read a book to a child.
You can comfort a mourner.
You can volunteer your time.
You can make a difference.
You can give of your self — a self that is infused with godliness.
Whatever your faith, you can do Gods To-Do List.

God Needs You

'Excuse me? Would you repeat that, please?'
God needs you.
It's true that the God of the Bible is a God who is all-powerful, all-knowing — a real miracle worker.
Yet, even God realized that the world would need a very special presence, human beings who are literally infused with the breath — the spirit — of God to be the frontline caretakers of creation.
God can't do it alone. That's why God created you.

'Doesn't God have angels to help out?'
Yes, but. . .
God doesn't depend on angels.
God depends on you to be an angel.
As unbelievable as it may sound, you are God's agent on earth.
You are God's hands, feet, eyes, ears — and, most important, God's heart.
God needs you.
And when you perform an act of kindness, no matter how small, you bring God's presence into the world, into your world.
God has a To-Do List — for you."