"The sooner you access the healing energy within, the better. Here's a list of just a few ways you can create an environment that awakens your inner healer:

"Inundate yourself with positive affirmations, books, images, and people.
"Read everything you can about self healing.
"Pamper yourself with small indulgences that will support your feelings of goodwill and joy.
"Be kind to yourself no matter what; accept that you are on a roller coaster and there will be rough days.
"Believe in yourself. Believe in healing.
"Find peace in every day.
"Pray or meditate every day.
"Eat well.
"Create a protective bubble around yourself that keeps you insulated from all the negativity of the world. Avoid gossip, the news, dark movies, violent television shows or books that feature human beings at their worst.
"Watch funny movies or those that highlight the best of humankind. Listen to comedy. Read funny or uplifting books. There are millions of them.
"Ask for help. Accept it with gratitude.
"Spend at least two minutes every day voicing out loud what you are thankful for.
"Learn about creative visualization and do it every day.
"Be honest about your journey. Don't sugarcoat the bad days. They suck. Yell and scream. Allow yourself to have abysmal moods, but recover as quickly as you can knowing that you are on the path of healing.
"See a therapist, hypnotherapist or energy healer to make sure your conscious and/or subconscious mind is on board with the treatments you have chosen.
"Forgive everyone you know for everything they've ever done to you.
"Forgive yourself for everything you've ever done to them or to yourself.
"Be still and listen to what's inside. Every day.
"Love yourself. If you don't know how to, read books about it and learn. Loving yourself is essential to this journey. It's also essential to healing.
"Breathe deeply as often as you need to.
"Seek out and be inspired by other people's stories. There are many.
"Do whatever makes you joyful. Sing. Dance. Be with babies and animals. Walk in nature. Sit in the sun. Take a vacation. Tell people you love them. Ask them to tell you the same.
"If you can, if you have the energy and only if you want to, be of service to someone else. Don't feel guilty if the time isn't right. Acknowledge how you give of yourself in your everyday life.
"Think of cancer as a big fat wake-up call that you can live your life differently and better than you ever have before. Take this experience and turn it into a blessing.
"Focus on what you want. Go for it.
"Trust that you are being guided. Trust yourself. Trust life. Trust God."