Subscribe to this E-Course

This year-long program ran during 2014. The subscription is no longer available, but individual courses can be taken through S&P's on-demand system.

This year Contemplative Outreach is celebrating our 30th Anniversary. Our theme is Celebrating 30 Years of Grace & Gratitude, and we are partnering with our long-term friends at Spirituality & Practice to offer a year-long program to celebrate the grace of contemplative practice and contemplative life — the world in which God can — and does — anything.

John of the Cross said that when we give ourselves to this path, we enter into a relationship between own own activity and an infusion of grace that is so delicate that we do not usually perceive it right away. The journey begins in interior silence, the desert of our own heart and moves outward and transforms all of life. The fullness of contemplation is both silence and action so we enter into silence, the foundation of contemplation, and begin to perceive life in new and extraordinary ways.

We invite you to join us in making 2014 not only a celebration of the anniversary of Contemplative Outreach but also a time to reboot and reinvigorate our individual and community practices. We at Contemplative Outreach and Spirituality & Practice are often asked if we can make it possible for a group of people to connect virtually beyond the time frame of a single e-course. We are happy to do that through this program. Over this year we will be a virtual community of spiritual companions learning practices together and sharing our responses to scripture and readings.

The year-long subscription for $225 includes the following retreats and community opportunities. Two online retreats are during the liturgical cycles of Lent and Advent, while the other three retreats focus on practices that assist one in living the contemplative life. Between the month-long e-courses, subscribers will receive a weekly reading for discussion in an online Practice Group. Click on the title to read more about each part of this program.

The Grace of Lent: Foundations for Contemplative Living with Fr. Thomas Keating

Lectio Divina: Heart to Heart: Listening and Living with God

Forgiveness: A Growth in Love

Lean In, Lighten Up and Let Go: Practices for a Deeper Commitment to the Contemplative Life with Mary Dwyer

The Grace of Advent: Consent to Contemplative Living

Word of the Week Practice Group

If the year-long program is not feasible for you, you will be able to take individual e-courses for $49.95 each, but you will not be able to participate in the Word of the Week Practice Group.

To join the year-long program "A Path into Divine Love: Celebrating 30 Years of Grace & Gratitude," click on the "Subscribe to E-Course" button below.


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