Venice 14, Lagoon, 1957
© William G. Congdon Foundation, Milan

When all things were in quiet silence ... your powerful word ... leapt down from heaven.
- Wisdom 18: 14

Spirituality & Practice and Contemplative Outreach are again partnering to offer a year-long program, following up "A Path into Divine Love: Celebrating 30 Years of Grace & Gratitude" offered in 2014. This year's program celebrates "The Way of Silence" as a practice and a way of life. The journey begins in the mystery of our deepest human interiority, the desert of our own hearts, and moves outward and transforms all of life. The fullness of contemplation is both silence and action. We enter into silence — what Raimon Panikkar calls "a property of Being prior to Being" and begin to awaken to life in new and extraordinary ways — the divine dimension within all of reality.

We invite you to join with us in making 2015 a time to reboot and reinvigorate our individual and community practices, all the while connected to a worldwide community of shared intention: spiritual companions practicing and consenting to the contemplative life ever deeper together.

The year-long subscription series for $150 includes the following retreats and community opportunities: Two online retreats during the liturgical cycles of Lent and Advent and a third retreat on Centering Prayer as both relationship with God and consent to God's presence and action in daily life. Before and between the e-courses, subscribers will receive a weekly meditation for reflection and sharing in an online Practice Group. This program begins on January 4, 2015. If you join later, you will find all the emails archived on your account page.

Click on the titles to read more about the different parts of this program.

Silence and the Spiritual Journey with Thomas Keating: A Lenten Retreat - February 18 – April 3

Silence and Centering Prayer with Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler and Carl J. Arico - September 7 – October 2

Silence Night, Holy Night: A Retreat for Advent - November 27 – December 25

Word of the Week - Weekly before and between e-courses

The cost of these e-courses ordered individually will be $164.90. With a year-long subscription you can receive the three e-courses plus the weekly "Word of the Week" mailings for $150. This offer will be available only up to the time of the Lenten course. After this, you will need to sign up for each offering individually.

The year-long Word of the Week Practice Group is available only to those who subscribe to the annual series.

The entire series will begin with a Word of the Week mailing on January 4 with a reflection on the great Feast of the Epiphany from Fr. Thomas Keating specially recorded for this series. (Latecomers will be able to access this mailing through their account pages.)

To subscribe to "The Way of Silence" click on the "Subscribe to E-Course" button below.

The Way of Silence
Annual E-Course Subscription Series
and Word of the Week
beginning January 4, 2015


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