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Our consumer culture teaches that getting more stuff and holding on to it is the way to riches. Our ego-driven society encourages us to seek power and enjoy being the center of attention.

But the spiritual life emphasizes other things. Teachers tell us to give up the spotlight, loosen our grip, get out of the way, renounce, relinquish, and surrender. Freedom, the wisdom traditions all say, comes from letting go. By giving, releasing, and clearing out things, we open up new pathways for the Divine energies to enter and transform us.

It takes practice to change our habitual ways and to go against the conventional assumptions of society. Recovery programs say that it takes three weeks to break a habit or establish a new practice. So this program consists of 21 daily emails with nuggets of spiritual wisdom and related exercises to help you practice letting go. You will also have an opportunity to share your letting go stories and get support in the online Practice Circle.

(3 CEHs for Chaplains available.)

Available On-Demand
(choose your own start date and frequency)


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