Every day is a good day, but in these turbulent times it can be hard to experience that. Our sense of safety, meaning, and well-being are challenged daily. When we look for guidance, second hand answers no longer satisfy. Zen practice is dedicated to clearing away confusion, discovering our own answers, and expressing our unique response.

As we apply the ancient principles and practices of Zen to our lives, our sense of loneliness, insecurity, and distress fade away. We find ways of feeding our hungry hearts and discovering balance, clarity and resilience, no matter what is going on.

Zen practitioner Brenda Shoshanna has developed this interactive e-course in which you will learn out about zazen (meditation), the heart of Zen practice. You will also receive exercises which allow you to integrate the basic teachings of Zen into your everyday lives. You will explore the nature of koans, confront the hungry ghost, and meet the monkey mind.

"The whole world is medicine," goes a Zen saying. "What is the illness?" In this e-course, you will learn not only what our true illness is, but how to heal it. You'll explore the difference between medicine and poison in your lives.

Cleaning is also a huge part of Zen practice, grabbing the dust rag, emptying out, letting go, and simplifying all aspects of our lives. In this way you'll address what it means to actually take care of yourself and others so that you are able to live a life that matters and develop true compassion.

Brenda Shoshanna, profiled as a Living Spiritual Teachers on Spirituality & Practice, is a psychologist, therapist, workshop leader, and teacher. Her work is devoted to integrating East and West, psychology and spirituality. Her books include Zen Miracles: Finding Peace in an Insane World, Zen and the Art of Falling in Love, and Jewish Dharma: A Guide to the Practice of Judaism and Zen.

The 12 emails for "Zen and Everyday Life" each introduce a teaching, provide commentary on its meaning, and suggest ways to practice it. Short audios provide more insights. You will also have access to the recording of a one-hour teleconference with Brenda from the first offering of this e-course.

During this e-course you will be encouraged to go from the Zen mountain to the couch, bringing your newfound well-being and insights right back home intoy our daily life.

(4 CEHs for Chaplains available.)

Available On-Demand
(choose your own start date and frequency)


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