Be the Mirror

"Simply be the mirror in which others can see themselves as God sees them."
— The Gospel of Gabriel

Praying With Your Comb

"In effect we carry a constant reminder of a way to pray always. Each time you comb your hair as part of your daily grooming, recall God’s loving care for you. In times of fear or danger hold your comb in your hand as a sacramental and pray the words of Jesus, ‘In very truth, even the hairs of your head are counted! Fear nothing, then. You are worth more than a flock of sparrows.’ (Luke 12:7)"
— Feathers on the Wind

A Ritual of Forgiveness

"There was once a tradition in Russia as Easter drew near: Before going to confession, the members of a household would observe a beautiful home ritual. Each would bow to the other members of the family, including the servants, and utter the age-old phrase, 'In the name of Christ, forgive me if I have offended you.' The ritual response was, 'God will forgive you.' Consider the profound healing effect such a ritual of anticipating sacramental absolution might have in your home."
— A Lenten Hobo Honeymoon

Playing Life By Ear

"Be patient also with life itself. Those who love life are tolerant of its ups and downs, its reversals and leaps forward. Those who love life enjoy 'playing it by ear,' engaging life without a printed score, simply flowing with its melody. By keeping our agendas flexible and minimizing our demands, life can be a melodic song. Whenever circumstances interrupt the normal rhythm of life, those who cultivate patience and inner freedom are able to improvise with a life situation like jazz musicians, making up music as they go along. The emphasis in ' playing it by ear' is on playfulness. Those who use that gift of the Holy Spirit make their way gracefully through life."
— The Great Escape Manual

Jugular Vein Prayer

"The Koran says that God is closer than the vein in your neck. What a beautiful invitation to pray. In fact, it suggests a new way to pray. Begin by placing your first and second fingers on your throat's jugular vein. Linger there as your feel the vigorous throbbing of life within you. Praying with your fingers on your jugular vein can be a sensual affirmation that God is not distant or remote but is pulsating within you. . . Besides being an excellent preface to any prayer, this tactile throat prayer gesture is useful whenever you are in need of God's presence."
— Prayers Notes to A Friend

Unity, Not Uniformity

" 'Wait, I have something you all must hear. Brothers and sisters, be at peace,' said Jesus. 'Remember: Blessed are the inclusive. In my company there must be a rich diversity. Like God, we must find delight in a variety of opinions, in the richness of different personalities and various approaches to the Way. What we need is not uniformity but unity, love — always and everywhere. Let us be compassionate with each other as God is compassionate. Let us be like grapes and not like marbles when we come together with conflicting opinions.' "
— The Gospel of Gabriel

Our Real Occupations

"Each morning as you leave home for your place of employment, make sure that your real occupation is your preoccupation with experiencing God. Be engrossed in God no matter what work you are doing or whom your co-workers are. Being preoccupied is usually viewed as a negative, as anti-productive, yet it is the full time occupation of the saints."
— The Ladder

Try Centrifugal Prayer

"Centering prayer flows out of the monastic tradition and is based on the indwelling of the Divine. With eyes closed and silently repeating a mantra or focusing word, one strives to empty the mind of all thoughts so as to experience God in the stillness of the present moment. Centrifugal prayer, on the other hand, is based on an equally true reality — the ever-present dwelling of the Divine Mystery in all places. In this meditation, we keep our eyes open in order to fill our heart, mind and soul with the invisible Divine Presence in which we are being engulfed. In an act of faith-filled adoration, we can acknowledge this presence of God with a slight nod or bow of reverence made to the flat tire, or to the jammed traffic beginning to move gain, or to the gift of an empty parking space."
— The Lenten Pharmacy

A Remedy for Xenophobia

"Smiling is also a sure remedy for xenophobia-the fear of strangers — especially those of different colored skin than yours, or who speak a foreign language. Smiling at any stranger immediately indicates that you don't consider them as dangerous or an enemy, but an unknown friend. The unrecognized friend is your Beloved who promised that whenever you reach out to assist those in need, he would be the one you helped, even if only with a smile. . . So as you make your way along the street, waiting in line at the checkout counter, or in any human encounter, smile as authentically as possible at everyone you meet."
— Chasing Joy