Geri Larkin had a successful career as a management consultant. After a doctor suggested meditation as a means of helping with an ailment, she underwent a spiritual transformation. Her new understanding of the power of prayer brought her to quit her job and enroll in Chicago's Maitreya Buddhist Seminary. Her teacher was Ven. Samu Sunim, a Korean Zen master who started several temples in North America. She was ordained three years later in 1995. She served as a Dharma teacher at one of the temples Ven. Samu Sunim started in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Larkin later started a Zen meditation center in the heart of inner-city Detroit called Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple. She has written numerous books. She now lives in Eugene, Oregon.

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  • Buddhist teachings on practices and admirable qualities
  • Imaginative and down-to-earth insights into creating a sweet everyday life
  • A keen sense of humor