• Anger Management: 10 Tips to Tame Your Anger
    by the Mayo Clinic Staff
    Think before you speak; take a timeout; identify possible solutions — here are some psychologically savvy ideas for dealing with your anger in a positive way.
  • Anger Management Tips
    by Steven Strosny
    These "ten commandments" for regulating anger include seeing the complexity of an issue, respecting another person's perspective, focusing on repairing rather than blaming, and more.
  • The Answer to Anger & Aggression Is Patience
    by Pema Chodron
    Patience has a lot to do with not speaking or doing anything; on the other hand, it also means being totally honest with yourself about the fact that you’re furious.
  • Composing a Peace Note
    by Thich Nhat Hanh and Patricia Campbell Carlson
    You cannot always help yourself during the heat of an argument, but it is possible to write a short note to a loved one or yourself in advance that will help restore calm when anger arises.
  • Dealing with Anger
    by Alex Lickerman
    This comprehensive article gives a strong illustration of anger, summarizes why people get angry, and then offers suggestions for dealing with anger in yourself and diffusing it in others.
  • Does This Year Make Me Look Angry?
    by Ijeoma Oluo
    If you think that what you are seeing now, after a few high-profile men have lost their jobs, is the peak of women's fury, then hold tight -- there's much more to come.
  • Goodbye 2017, the Year of Anger
    by Dahleen Glanton
    It was the year of unmasking racism, the year of outrage, fatigue, and exhaustion. It was the year of waking up to reality.
  • Handling Negativity in the News
    by Thubten Chodron and Patricia Campbell Carlson
    Consider the motivations of people who do harm and how you can learn from them to make your own motivations more compassionate.
  • Hold Your Tongue
    by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
    In the Benedictine monastic tradition, the spiritual practice called "keeping custody of your tongue" serves as a reminder to consciously pay attention to what you say at all times.
  • I Used to Insist I Didn't Get Angry, Not Anymore
    by Leslie Jamison
    It has always been easier to shunt female sadness and female anger into the “watertight compartments” of opposing archetypes, rather than acknowledging the ways they run together.
  • Six Things to Do When You Get Angry at Work
    by Zahra Barnes
    Here are points to consider in advance about remaining level-headed so that you don't suffer ill consequences from letting anger overtake you at your workplace.
  • A Time For Anger, A Call to Action
    by Bill Moyers
    What America needs is a broad bi-partisan movement for democracy, because the only answer to organized money is organized people.
  • Using the Energy of Anger
    by Ezra Bayda
    When we can stop the expression of anger, and instead experience the energy of anger, something begins to happen — something that we can call transformation.
  • When Anger Management Requires Going Deeper
    by Bernard Golden
    Strategies to counteract anger help a bit, but those with more serious and chronic anger issues require greater exploration of factors that leave them prone to anger arousal.