These 20 teachers in our Living Spiritual Teachers Project and Remembering Spiritual Masters Project represent our eco-theologians, earth lovers, and nature writers.

  1. Leonardo Boff
  2. Jean Shinoda Bolen
  3. Joseph Bruchac
  4. James G. Cowan
  5. Barbara Cawthorne Crafton
  6. Matthew Fox
  7. Joan Halifax
  8. Sandra Ingerman
  9. Bradford Keeney
  10. Joanna Macy
  11. Joseph Marshall III
  12. Jay McDaniel
  13. Ed McGaa
  14. Megan McKenna
  15. Thomas Merton
  16. Kent Nerburn
  17. Scott Russell Sanders
  18. Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee
  19. Arthur Waskow
  20. Terry Tempest Williams