A New Heart: Eleven Qualities of Holiness by Robert Morneau includes humility as one of the eleven qualities that constitute holiness, along with purity, love, faith, courage, joy, praise, gratitude, kindness, hospitality, and hope.

Be Nobody by Lama Marut demonstrates how social media and the information deluge have drawn out an "unprecedented exaltation of the ego." Humility helps us to let go of the stories we tell about ourselves and to reach out to others with loving unselfconsciousness.

Benedict's Dharma: Buddhists Reflect on the Rule of Saint Benedict by Patrick Henry grew out of the 1996 encounter between Christian and Buddhist monks at Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky. One of its most helpful chapters is on humility.

The Call to Discernment in Troubled Times: New Perspectives on the Transformative Wisdom of Ignatius of Loyola by Dean Brackley uses the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises to introduce us to "a life of deeper faith, hope and love." He shows that the virtue of humility counteracts the pride that excludes billions of people from the banquet-table.

The Enneagram of Passions and Virtues: Finding the Way Home by Sandra Maitri reveals the connections between psychology and spirituality with an impressive array of insights into emotions. A fascinating section describes humility as "seeing ourselves and our abilities clearly."

Holy Simplicity: The Little Way of Mother Teresa, Dorothy Day & Therese of Lisieux by Joel Schorn shares the stories of three exemplars of "the little way" doing small acts of love and kindness, bringing complete humility to everyday spiritual practices.

Humility: The Quiet Virtue by Everett L. Worthington, Jr. suggests that because humility does not shout its characteristics, we must listen, look, and learn to understand it. The author includes a tribute to some "heroes of humility" — people who have demonstrated that love and service count.

Humility Matters for Practicing the Spiritual Life by Mary Margaret Funk points out that "humility is what others see of our purity of heart." The low door of humility led to monastic emphasis on renunciation of our former way of life and our self-made thoughts of God and self.

Lord, Have Mercy: Praying for Justice with Conviction and Humility by Claire E. Wolfteich is a book of case studies that show the connection between prayer and social action. Wolfteich commends the desert fathers and mothers, practitioners of Ignatian spirituality, and Teresa of Avila for their guidance on humility, discernment, and action.

Merciful Meekness: Becomng a Spiritually Integrated Person by Kerry Walters examines the implications of meekness and mercy, two spiritual attributes advocated by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. He claims that these virtues run counter to the me-first approach prevalent in society.

The Mountain of Silence: A Search for Orthodox Spirituality by Kyriacos C. Markides presents the spiritual teachings of Father Maximos, a monk from Mount Athos who is abbot of Panagia Monastery in Cyprus. Markides points to humility as a key virtue in people's spiritual evolution.

Sacred Therapy: Jewish Spiritual Teachings on Emotional Healing and Inner Wholeness by Estelle Frankel heralds humility as a spiritual resource that can help us balance the demands of the ego and the spiritual practice of egolessness. Frankel incisively uses Hasidic stories to illustrate her points.

The Science and Practice of Humility: The Path to Ultimate Freedom by Jason Gregory explores "the science of humility" as the evolutionary path into the future. The author sees humility as an alternative to the omnipresent warrior consciousness which is animated by ego, arrogance, and anger.

The Wisdom of Sri Chinmoy by Andy Zubko and Sri Chinmoy teaches that humility comes when we realize that the games of fame and money are nothing in comparison with God-realization. Sri Chinmoy recommends offering gratitude to God for five minutes daily, which brings to life the sweet, fragrant and beautiful flower of humility.

Radical Spirit: 12 Ways to Live a Free and Authentic Life by Joan Chittister draws attention to the Twelve Steps of Humility, the heart and soul of the Rule of St. Benedict, a classic Christian monastic text. Chittister shows how humility is connected to the lineaments of a radical spirit.

The Power of Ideals: The Real Story of Moral Choice by William Damon and Anne Colby argues that there is too limited a view of human nature in the new science of moral psychology which makes too much out of "biological reductionism." The authors advocate active moral leadership, which includes the virtue of humility.

The Way of the Small: Why Less Is Truly More by Michael Gellert addresses the importance of living according to our means, in a way that is not inflated either economically or psychologically. He outlines essential principles for living small — in humility.