• The Rich and the Rest of Us by Tavis Smiley and Cornel West advocates transforming America's dialogue on race and justice to include concern for the poor.
  • Hooked! edited by Stephanie Kaza offers many spiritual practices for resistance to global consumerism.
  • Living From the Center by Jay McDaniels offers a Christian alternative to this pernicious force dominating American culture.
  • The Forgotten Americans by Isabell Sawhill astutely assesses the plight of those left behind in America due to economic inequality.
  • Francis of Assisi by Leonardo Boff is a rich tribute to the multidimensional life and ministry of this beloved saint.
  • Our Day to End Poverty by Shannon Daley-Harris, Jeffrey Keenan, and Karen Speerstra offers many ideas on how to connect typical daily activities to projects to end world poverty in our time.
  • Think and Act Anew by Larry Snyder explains how the face of poverty is changing and what the Christian community should do about it.
  • The Third Freedom by George McGovern argues that world hunger can be ended by 2030.
  • The Working Poor by David K. Shipler describes a harrowing portrait of the plight of the millions of men, women, and children struggling just to survive.
  • A World of Three Zeroes by Muhammad Yunus considers the need for a new economic system that sees altruism and generosity as the central powers behind the human quest for meaning.

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