12 Basic Books

At Home in the World by Margaret Guenther suggests a Rule of Life covering our relationship with God, other people, the creation, and our own deepest self.

Creativity by Matthew Fox gives an inspiring overview of ways to make the best use of our creativity as the alchemy that can transform us and our world.

Firstlight by Sue Monk Kidd is a dazzling collection of stories and essays on 13 spiritual motifs, including grace and Divine presence in the midst of life.

God Has a Dream by Desmond Tutu analyzes the fear, anger, insecurity, and vulnerability that many people around the world are feeling, followed by the Nobel Peace Laureate's proclamation that God is present with us when we are experiencing helplessness.

Jesus for the Non-Religious by John Shelby Spong reveals Jesus as the breaker of prejudices and religious boundaries who opens people to the transcendent dimension of life and enables them to move beyond the old tapes of self-hatred and unending guilt.

Living Prayer by Robert Benson is the perfect resource for spiritual directors to give to those seeking to find stillness and silence and to weave all the strands of their experience together around dialogue with God.

Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus J. Borg provides a breath of fresh air in the musty halls of Christian scholarship about Jesus with its depiction of the pre-Easter Jesus as a spirit person, a wisdom teacher, a healer, a prophet, and a movement founder.

Practicing Resurrection by Nora Gallagher is a spiritual memoir focusing on the difficulties and disappointments of parish ministry as well as the moments of resurrection in the lives of those around her.

Reimagining Christianity by Alan Jones calls for an open, inclusive, justice-seeking, and practice-oriented faith that can speak to both believers yearning for new challenges and unaffiliated nonbelievers willing to give religion a second look if it moves them toward love, healing, and transformation.

The Sewing Room by Barbara Cawthorne Crafton is a glorious collection of essays about seeing our experiences as teachers and uncovering the blessings of our lives every day.

Where God Happens by Rowan Williams explores the teachings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers which show that our words and deeds can help bring God alive in another person's life.

The Wisdom Way of Knowing by Cynthia Bourgeault is a visionary work about a precise and comprehensive science of spiritual transformation kept alive by presence, meditation, sacred chanting, and lectio divina.

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