Jose Hobday, one of our favorite spiritual writers, has confessed: "I love to play with God as if I were a child playing with my parents. I like going to the playground, getting in a swing and swinging high, because I believe God lives in us through the joy and power we sense when we swing high."

There are many other ways of playing with God — including going to funny movies with spiritual themes. Such as Bruce Almighty, a comedy starring Jim Carrey about dealing with God, human nature, power, love, miracles, and opening the heart. Other movies in this vein: Oh, God!; Oh, God! Book II; Dear God; and Dogma.

All of the world's religions acknowledge the importance of a playful spirit. The Jews have a holiday for humor called Purim. In the Islamic tradition, the fool Nasrudin regales people with his silly approaches to things. St. Francis in the Christian tradition called his order "Jesters of the Lord." Native Americans have rituals to celebrate "sacred clowns" and tricksters who break all the rules. Many Zen masters use humor as good medicine — Paichang said "Shut your mouth, close your lips and say something." And for Hindus, the world is a playground where God is active everywhere.

Keep this long and honored tradition of crazy wisdom in mind as you are enjoying the zany incidents in Bruce Almighty. While Jim Carrey's over-the-top form of physical comedy may not be everyone's cup of tea, it does speak to millions of people who enjoy stories filled with endless variations of slipping on the banana peel. Laughter is good medicine, especially when it is used to bring about spiritual healing and transformation.

  1. Bruce Almighty
  2. Oh, God!
  3. Oh, God! Book II and the Values & Visions Discussion Guide.
  4. Dear God.
  5. Dogma.