The adults and children of Newtown, Connecticut, are still in shock over the deaths of 20 first graders and 6 adults in the 2012 shootings at the Sandy Hook school. With hope and creativity, a band of artists from New York City arrive to put on rock-pop version of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream featuring the grieving children of the community.

From auditions to read-throughs, dress rehearsals, and the opening night performance, director Lloyd Kramer follows three youths who take on the challenges of participating in this project. He also spends time with their parents as they remember the horrific nightmare and its impact on their kids and others in Newtown. As parents, these adults share their hopes of creating a place where their children can feel safe and well-loved.

There is plenty of emotional power in this engaging documentary which does a fine job conveying the healing medicine of artistic endeavors. All involved are restored as they work together on the play and discover the joy in creating community.