• American Plastic: Laurie Essig shows us a cogent and troubling look at the money, time, and energy being expended by Americans on plastic surgery as a pathway to beauty, perfection, youth, and success.
  • The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane: C. M. Millen describes a young monk in an Irish monastery during the Middle Ages who models a reverence for nature and a love of beauty and imagination.
  • Heaven and Earth Are Flowers: Joan D. Stamm offers a lyrical celebration of the art of Ikebana and its subtle messages about beauty, balance, and impermanence.
  • Beauty and the Soul: Piero Ferrucci presents a profound and multidimensional tribute to beauty and its many incarnations, manifestations, and benefits.
  • The Way of Beauty: Francois Cheng provides five elegant and philosophical meditations on the meaning of beauty.
  • Beauty: John O'Donohue offers a grand tour of beauty in art, music, dance, poetry, colors, nature, the human face, love, the shadowlands of pain and despair, and even death.
  • Passing Strange and Wonderful: Yi-Fu Tuan examines how what is considered to be beautiful varies from culture to culture, from generation to generation, and often from one period of our lives to another.
  • Original Blessing: Matthew Fox gives a fine overview of the spiritual practice of beauty in the body, in nature, and in service of others.
  • Embracing a Beautiful God: Patricia Adams Farmer explores the practice of beauty through its presence, hints, and aftereffects in creation and cocreation, in adventure and misadventure, in ordinary and extraordinary people, in imagination and in the arts, and elsewhere.
  • Lit from Within: Victoria Moran expounds on the inner changes that will take place when you immerse yourself in beauty.
  • Plain Living: Catherine Whitmire presents a sturdy and soul-satisfying collection of quotations from Quakers about the beauty of simplicity, silence, and the inner voice of conscience.
  • Stepping Lightly: Mark A. Burch explains voluntary simplicity as an aesthetic, a spiritual sensibility, and a practice of livelihood.
  • Living the Japanese Arts & Ways: H.E. Davey salutes the principles of beauty behind bonsai, tea ceremony, calligraphy, flower arrangement, and other Japanese paths of simplicity.
  • The Heart of Sufism: H. J. Witteveen edits a collection of writings by the Sufi seer Hazrat Inayat Khan who believed beauty was essential in character development and moral education.
  • The Self-Disclosure of God: William C. Chittick's translations and interpretations from the works of Sufi seer Ibn al-'Arabi focus on the beauty and unity of God.

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