• In some cultures families create home shrines to honor their ancestors. A "family tree" wall of photographs, a table of framed photographs, or a collection of photo albums also salutes these connections. Share stories about your ancestors as you look at the pictures.
  • St. Francis of Assisi is a good role model for the spiritual practice of connections. He treated all parts of the natural world as relatives. Have members of your household choose something from nature to relate to: Brother Sun, Sister Moon, Uncle Tree, Aunt Rock, Cousin Pond. Share stories of your perceptions of these relationships.
  • Explore the Internet. Every site offers you "links" to related information; click with your mouse on a phrase in an article or directory, and you are transported to a new destination, another address where you will find even more links. This way of accessing material challenges the fragmentation of data in our increasingly complex world; link by link individual users are re-establishing the connections.
  • Participate in a project that demonstrates your connection to something that is far away from you-such as raising money for the restoration of the Amazon rain forest.