Ways to practice Gratitude include gratitude journals, Naikan, blessings, greeting the dawn, mealtime graces, offerings, and the specific practices below.

Reverse any tendency you have to make comparisons. Quit talking about what you don't have compared to what you have; stop whining about how you are doing career-wise, relationship-wise, or any other-wise in comparison to how a friend or enemy is doing. The next time you start chattering about wanting something more, better, or different, don't listen.

A Bow or a Gassho by Roshi Philip Kapleau explains a simple gesture that expresses thanksgiving.

Countering the Ego Through Gratitude and Forgiveness by Jamal Rahman suggests habitually praising God and seeking forgiveness.

Deepening Spirituality by Jamal Rahman offers a simple method for increasing your experience of Presence.

Gratitude for What You’ve Been Spared by Joseph Telushkin recommends that we post a Yiddish proverb to remind us of all we have to be thankful for.

Gratitude Walk by Bruce G. Epperly and Lewis D. Solomon invites you to ponder life’s gifts to you.

Memory Stacking by Sharon Lipinski offers a gratitude practice based on recalling positive memories.

Offer Thanks for Services by Ethan Nichtern provides a way to cut through entitlement.

Offering Blessings by Brenda Shoshanna proposes blessings for others, activities, and projects.

Practice Gratitude by Susannah Seton and Sondra Kornblat gives tips for cultivating energy through counting your blessings and noticing the goodness.

Practice Positivism by Susannah Seton and Sondra Kornblat offers questions to help us find what's good and positive in all circumstances.

Seeing God in a Piece of Bread by James L. Mirel and Karen Bonnell Werth prompts our contemplation of the source of our daily nourishment.

The Practice of Being Grateful by Lewis Richmond encourages us to release complaints by giving thanks.

The Sacred Berry shares a Seneca Oral Tradition for eating a strawberry with its symbolism in mind.

Unearned Blessing by Dr. Elton Trueblood inspires us to say thank you.

When You Can’t Sleep by Bradford Keeney generates gratitude for the comfort of your bed.

More Spiritual Practices about Gratitude