• Come up with a strategy which will help you "dance the day" rather than succumb to a "been there/done that" attitude. For example, play bouncy music while you scrub the bathroom floor.
  • Go dancing with your partner and/or friends. Take classes. Rent a film about dancing, any Fred Astaire movie, or a film about ballet, disco, flamenco, or ballroom dancing. Act out the emotions the dance elicits in you.
  • While visiting a hospital, day care center, nursing home, or other such facility, tell everyone you are collecting smiles today and see how many different ones you can gather.
  • Add a happiness ritual to your celebration of one of the annual holidays. Have members of your group recall three of the most joyous moments you have experienced together during the past year. Write brief descriptions of some of them in a "Moments of Happiness" book that you review as part of this ritual next year.