This prayer is from William Penn, an English Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania in America, which he envisioned as a place of religious and personal freedom.

O God, help us not to despise or oppose what we do not understand.

Other Prayers

May my heart stay open and loving even when I'm feeling hurt and frayed.
May I learn always to include others in love's vast embrace.
May my heart remain pure and kind amid the painful details and muck of life.
May virtue and serenity belong to all, even my competitors and adversaries.
May my brokenheartedness open my heart even further (like open-heart surgery) and bring forth love and open-hearted compassion.
Lama Surya Das in Letting Go of the Person You Used to Be

O Lord God, Creator of all
Open my eyes to beauty
Open my mind to wonder
Open my ears to others
Open my heart to you.
David Adam in Power Lines: Celtic Prayers about Work