See a gallery of 12 quotes on shadow.

  • In the Christian tradition there is an emphasis on the shadow — the dark side of humankind for which each person must take responsibility. Exploration of the shadow is one of the most important goals of Christian spirituality.
    — Lauren Artress in Walking a Sacred Path
  • In Eastern teachings there is a saying that everything that has a front has a back.... Energy expresses itself in polarities, in opposites.... We contain both darkness and light, sorrow and joy, the capacity for selfishness as well as for generosity, for cruelty as well as compassion.
    — Diane Berke in The Gentle Smile
  • "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death" can be understood as the walk through our own dark side.
    — Tian Dayton in The Quiet Voice of Soul
  • To battle a demon is to embrace it, to face it with clarity of vision and humility of the heart. To run from a demon is as effective as running from a rabid dog, for surely this only beckons the chase. Whatever we resist — persists. These demons, these parts of us that haunt us, torture us and reduce us, are the agents of change.... Without our demons we would grow spiritually flabby.
    — Stephanie Ericsson in Companion Through the Darkness
  • Soulmaking means facing the shadow, the dark scary stuff hidden in old closets, the unbidden and forbidden dreams, the alien impulses.
    — Mike Grosso in Soulmaking
  • The very things we wish to avoid, reject, and flee from turn out to be the "prima materia" from which all real growth comes.
    — Andrew Harvey in Dialogues with a Modern Mystic
  • To honor and accept one's own shadow is a profound spiritual discipline.
    — Robert A. Johnson in Owning Your Own Shadow
  • I feel as if I live in a haunted house.
    — Sam Keen in Hymns to an Unknown God
  • Too many of us panic in the dark. We don't understand that it's a holy dark and that the idea is to surrender to it and journey through to real light.
    — Sue Monk Kidd quoted in Little Pieces of Lightby Joyce Rupp
  • When we watch the news at night, most of what we are seeing is a reflection of what is inside ourselves.
    — Ronald Rolheiser in Against an Infinite Horizon
  • Furthermore, it is important to point out that every Divine Quality has its shadow side, and that it is precisely because of our fear of falling into the shadow that we have difficulty developing a particular quality. The shadow side of mastery, for instance, would be ruthlessness or selfish manipulation.
    — Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan in Awakening: A Sufi Experience
  • Strive to be patient by putting up with the defects of others. Why? Because you've saddled onto others the infirmities that are dragging you down.
    — Thomas a Kempis quoted in The Imitation of Christ edited by William Griffin

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