Dwelling in Grateful Joy A practice of gratitude that allows you to acknowledge all that has supported you. Gratitude
Enthusiasm Day by Day Reflections based on Genesis 1 that celebrate beginnings, the sky, the waters, the cosmos, life's splendor, humanity, and rest. Enthusiasm
Where Should We Eat? Ways to make wise choices when you have an opportunity to dine out. Openness
Falling in Love with a Poem How to develop a vibrant relationship with a poem, letting it change you. Teachers
Mini-Retreat - Spiritual Work with Light A personal retreat to work with the spiritual significance of light. Transformation
Protecting All Motherly Human Beings A meditation by Penor Rinpoche to counter dualistic thinking and to create compassion. Compassion
Mini-Retreat - Spiritual Work with Memories A personal retreat to harvest your memories and practice making new ones. Connections
Spiritual Practices for Difficult Times Nine practices for times when world events overwhelm us and we feel defeated. Transformation
Taking Stock of Your Connections How making an inventory of the objects in your home underscores your dependence and influence on others. Connections
Waiting with Attention A fascinating view into the mind's tricks: desire, envy, dislike, anger, and more. Attention
Crossing Thresholds Ways you can acknowledge transition moments and places as a spiritual practice. Being Present
Worldwide Connections Suggestions for broadening your perspective of the world. Connections
Spiritual Practice Toolkit A wide variety of practices, inspired by all the religious and spiritual traditions, for what’s happening in your life today. Attention
House Blessings for Epiphany Prayers and rituals for blessing your home on Epiphany or any day. Reverence
Finishing Things Five spiritual practices to help you complete a personal or social transformation project. Transformation
Coping with Negativity Spiritual practices to use as antidotes to all the negativity in our private and public lives. X-The Mystery
Reframing Regrets Practices and suggestions to transform regret into a positive spiritual tool. Being Present
10 Reasons Why Gandhi Is My Hero Quotations and stories that illustrate why Gandhi ideas and ideals still inspire and animate people. Love
Spiritually Literate Holiday Gifts Examples of gifts that have meanings attached to them and reflect spiritual practices from the Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy. Imagination