George Fox (born in 1624, death on January 13, 1691), the founder of the Quaker movement, was a trailblazer who opened up a new path for spiritual seekers. Born in England, he received little education and was apprenticed to a leather maker. After a mystical experience, Fox shared his vision with other "Friends." His teachings about heeding the inner voice, living simply, and opposing war were scorned by fellow Christians. Fox spent over six years in various prisons and yet he managed to bring thousands into his "Society of Friends."

To Name This Day . . .

Spiritual Practices

Find some ways that you can incarnate George Fox's legacy in your life:

  • Find meaning in group silence.
  • Listen to your inner voice.
  • Oppose war and violence.
  • Cherish simplicity.
  • Honor the beliefs of others.
  • Follow your conscience.
  • Tell the truth.
  • Discover your mission.
  • Let your life speak.
  • Look for the light in every person.


Reflect upon this quote from George Fox.

"Hold fast the hope
which anchors the soul,
which is sure and steadfast,
that you may float above the world's sea.
For your anchor holds sure and steadfast in the bottom,
let the winds, storms, and raging waves rise never so high.
And your star is fixed, by which you may steer
to the eternal land of rest and Commonwealth of God."
— from Practicing Peace by Catherine Whitmire